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Frozen Water Pipes In Attic

Frozen Water Pipes In Attic

Forever Restorations specializes in the repair of building damage caused by water. We are forever amazed at the source of water that causes the damage and in this Case Study we will look at frozen water pipes.

The location of this project is in Northern Illinois. One room, approximately 12’ x 16’ (single story) with a gabled roof was for the most part completely gutted due to broken water pipes in the attic.

The problem starts with a newly remodeled bathroom. The plumber ran a couple feet of ¾” hot and cold fresh water supply lines in the attic directly over the newly remodeled bathroom. BIG MISTAKE!
In our area, although the winters have been mild for the last 20 years or so, we have had -20 degree temperatures in severe winters. It doesn’t matter how much insulation is placed around water pipes, if they are exposed to the -20, -15, or -10 degree temperatures you will have frozen pipes. Never let a contractor talk you into placing water pipes in an attic or outside wall. It’s just plain common sense.

Water damage from frozen water pipes can occur quickly or progress slowly until a full melt down of ice occurs. A burst water pipe from frozen water might stay dry until things melt down and then you’ll have an uncontrollable gusher!

Forever Restorations specializes in the identification of your water problem and repair of the resulting damage. We are especially proficient in dealing with water mitigation and insurance companies.

It’s important for the homeowner to act quickly. This might raise a red flag for the homeowner, thinking that this is some kind of scam but it isn’t. Water damage can be confined when quickly attacked. Furthermore without the proper attention mold and fungus can set in, take hold and cause further damage and risk to your health if not properly dried out. Dryout equipment is specialized. Commercial fans, dehumidifiers and testing equipment are necessary to properly perform the dryout.

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